College Expectations | Flinders Christian Community College

Expectations of Behaviour

We trust that each student at Flinders Christian Community College will endeavour to uphold the aims of the school to ‘Grow in Love’. With God’s assistance we will help guide each young person toward self-discipline and a positive awareness of the effect of their behaviour on other people.

Standards of Conduct

It is expected that each student will honestly endeavour to keep all of the College regulations and show respect for those placed in positions of authority.

Students are expected to maintain high standards of courtesy, kindness, morality and honesty; to strive to be of unquestionable character throughout their enrolment, whether at home, school or elsewhere.

Members of the College should be constantly aware of their actions and make every endeavour to bring credit on themselves, their parents and their College. Careful and considerate behaviour should be displayed by students when travelling to and from College, at College and in their social life. All students are expected to keep their appearance neat and tidy and to wear correct College uniform. Blazers are to be worn to and from College each day.

No student is permitted to smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs (or be in possession of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs) on College premises, or when wearing College uniform.

It is expected that students will, on all occasions, act with a sense of responsibility to Flinders Christian Community College. Should their private conduct bring the school into disrepute, students will be subject to College discipline.

There is a responsibility on each member of the College community to consider the rights and comfort of other members at all times. Flinders Christian Community College standards demand care and honesty in regard to other students’ property, cleanliness and tidiness in the classrooms and around the school, and the kind of behaviour that does not inconvenience or injure other members of the College.